
Arrow Left  - Left

Arrow Right - Right

Space - Jump


You were having struggles with your physical health due to loving food (specially sweet ones ,like jam!) a bit too much.  You then trained for months to participate on a Marathon, looking the best shape and health you've ever been!

However, not everyone is onboard with your new healthy ways, you have yourself questioning that decision and wanting to eat heavy food, as well as competitors trying to get you to fail on that goal. Finally, your grandma is there rooting for you, but doesn't understand the special jam she buys on the store is part of the problem too, she just wants you to eat more because, in her words, "you look so skinny!"

The Game:

Run the most you can in terms of time in the marathon while having competitors, your own shadow self,  and your grandma throw food at you to slow you down. Also jump to avoid the sleeping cat, you don't want to trip on a cute cat, do you?  :3

Development Process:

Both of us are not in the gaming industry, and, while I (Cristiano) am a web developer, João had no previous experience with any sort of coding before, as well as he is learning new art and never done pixel art before.

João made all the art, with me using Godot functionalities to be able to repeat it and adjust everything to look as nice as possible in the game. The art is fairly simple, but I am very proud of what João (and a little bit of me too) created. As a first experience it looks quite good. Kudos João!

Cristiano (me!), did all the coding and adjusting on the Engine. Godot is amazing, but I am still learning most of it, so it took us a while before getting any sort of game logic running. It did help me learn a lot of the engine for next opportunities, and since we never expected to win on public vote, just submitting it, even if incomplete, was very fulfilling.

What's missing:

 - We ran the most we could with two people, but the projectile logic is not implemented to be thrown from the enemies yet. I plan on doing that before the voting ends.

- Adjusting speed, game balancing, alignment of other items.

- Create title screen and Info messages of current game status.

Created by:

- João Campos (

- Cristiano Faustino (


thats-my-jam.x86_64 65 MB
Version 21 Nov 28, 2023
thats-my-jam.exe 63 MB
Version 21 Nov 28, 2023
Download 51 MB
Version 21 Nov 28, 2023

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